

Hello? Hello? Can you hear me…? 

Are you listening? (Music fades in) Not only to the sound of my voice but the content of the words I am speaking. The meaning, thoughts, objects, and concepts a specific selection of people have assigned to specific sounds. 


I don’t… (light sigh) I don’t think you’re surprised by my nonsense, right? This is par for the course with me. I think you’re used to it by now. My weird, rambling thoughts sound completely normal to you. Because you would have heard them dozens or hundreds or even a thousand times before. And for a while you chose to stay, I guess. I mean, I was the one who left, right? That’s what happened. (softer) I think that’s what happened.

(louder) Anyway, I’m trying to tell you what I know, why I disappeared, and why I’m trying to come back. This isn’t an excuse. I hate those. It’s an explanation. I’m not trying to stand behind this story so it can shield me. I’m standing beside it, arms extended to the side, leaving my vulnerable points exposed. All the more reason to trust me, I guess. I hope.

But really, I didn’t remember you. I was made to forget. I was forced to. Really. And I’m trying to remember you now. And us. And everything. But I can’t do it without you.

Please help me.

(Music fades out)

Temporal Light is a production of Miscellany Media Studios. It is written, performed, performed, edited and produced by MJ Bailey with music licensed from the Sounds like an Earful music supply. The first episode will be released on February 12th.