Season 2 - Announcement


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I don’t know what I was expecting when I started telling this story. Certainly not for anyone to piece it together. And certainly not for anything that vaguely resembles the justice I was told about in childhood. When I was in college, someone--a professor--mentioned something called restorative justice, in which the harm caused by crime is undone or mitigated somehow, and that’s a great thought, but it wouldn’t be possible here. There are things that can’t be undone. And I know that quite well.

My aunt is dead now. Dad too. Mom’s some place far away from where I am. I left, you know? Left in the sense that there is no going back. And all of that is to say that I’m not the same child who needed a rescue anymore. I haven’t been for her quite awhile but especially now. 

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(Sigh) I suppose that news has not been so widespread. I guess there are plenty of people who haven’t heard. Because they didn’t matter. They might have, once upon a time but not so much now. 

Something in me just needed to say something. For all the podcasts and amateur investigations, all the rocks that got turned for the sake of content, and yet this one stayed perfectly still. Except for you, Your Majesty. You’re the only one trying to keep it alive. Apparently a few other people are with you in that though. This podcast is not only being downloaded by one person.

But you know, there is something cathartic about telling my story. About telling this story or having this story be told in some way.

(Sigh) Anyway, I do have more to say. More pieces to give you. Some clarity, I would suppose. As if anything about life right now could have ever been so clear. Maybe someday. Sooner than you think, perhaps. 

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But when I was moving, I found a bunch of old journals from around that time. They don’t take place in the Funhouse Hallway, but because you seem to like stories, my stories, maybe you will accept this offering as well. Some fantasies, of sort. I mean, fantasy tales. That’s what I mean.

Or do you think you know what I mean? Can you hear what I cannot actually say?

Regardless, I have an official though small podcast sticker at 2 and a half inch squared and a postcard, either for you to use or keep. Completely free of charge to anyone listening to my voice right now. Just a couple strings attached. For one, be patient. I have about thirty to give away, but I can always order more if need be, but it will take time. And if you live internationally or not in the US, I’m still going to try to get it to you. But a lot of countries are not accepting mail internationally or from the US specifically because of the pandemic. So it might need until… I’m not finishing that thought.

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Second, to get it, on Twitter, follow @AishiOnlinePod. That handle will be in the description. It’s the show’s official Twitter account. Retweet the show’s season 2 announcement (with comment or without, it’s up to you), and I’ll DM you to get your address. Simple as that. 

This will also mean supporting the United States Postal Service, which apparently needs support. And that’s presented without comment. Without a distracting comment. I’m just going to take the opportunity to mail people things, so… 

Anyway, season 2 will start on July 26th. And on that day, this story, whatever it really is, will march on in some different form. But the point, dear listeners, will be the same.

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Aishi Online is a production of Miscellany Media Studios. It is written, edited, and produced by MJ Bailey with music licensed from the Sounds like an Earful music supply. If you like the show, please consider leaving a review and/or telling your… Well, the word we would normally use is ‘friends,’ right? But that’s a somewhat twisted word at this point. Spread the word, I should say. That’s the best thing you can do. 

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